Saturday, January 21, 2012

Simple Pleasure Saturdays: Lazy Snow Days

I've decided to start a new feature on my blog called Simple Pleasure Saturdays. Every Saturday I'm going to talk about something that brings pleasure to me. I'm excited to share with everyone things that bring happiness to my life!

My first simple pleasure is lazy snow days! It started snowing here last night around 11PM and was done by the time we woke up this morning. Perfect, because it didn't affect my commute home from work last night and I don't work on weekends. It was just enough to blanket the ground and remind us that Winter is here despite the still occasional upper fifty degree temperatures we are still experiencing in Northern Virginia. The most I've done today is catch up on my Google Reader, make breakfast, make the bed, and walk the dogs, all in my sweats. Oscar & Addie made me laugh out loud on their walk this morning because you could tell they were just not sure what to think of the snow. They would walk reaaaally slow and just stop while their feet sank into the snow and then decide it was okay to take another step, it was so cute! The kids are still in their pajamas & have been playing games all day. It's just been a nice, relaxing day. I hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend as well!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Long Time, No Blog

Okay, so let's pretend that it hasn't been over 2 months since I blogged last ( and when I say let us, I mean  let me). Let's focus on positive things....


One of my adorable Dachshunds, Oscar

See it's like it never even happened!

So, moving on to some things that I'm excited about...... I received this baby in the mail yesterday.

I've looked into getting a Clarisonic for a long time & I finally bit the bullet. 99.9% of the reviews I have read and/or heard on this have been really awesome. One of my New Year's "Resolutions" was to treat myself more to luxury items so I thought this was a great starting point. Tonight will be the first night I use it, so I'll definitely share what I thought of it. If you have a Clarisonic, do you love it? Any advice?

Another thing that I'm super excited about is the season premiere of one of my fave shows tonight....

*Courtesy of Google Images
The first few episodes are like a bad accident, you want to look away, but you just can't. I mean seriously, don't these people have friends or family that care enough to tell them that they can't sing? I'm glad they didn't though because then I would really miss the entertainment!  On that note, off to enjoy a glass of wine & AI!